Sunday, February 16, 2014

Playin' Fetch - It'sh Not Just Fur Doggies!

I wanted all my doggy furiends to see thish, so dey will feels totally comFURtable wif me. When Meowmy throws dah ball fur me, I brings it back to her...........

And den I waits fur her to throw it again - come on, Meowmy - I ish waitin' waitin' waitin'!  I wash about 8 months old here, (and yesh it'sh true, she needed to vacumn dah floor dat day, look at all dat catnip and shtuff, eesh!) - but I shtill likes to do it now dat I ish a grown up kitty boy.  I used to bring dah ball back to her oFUR and oFUR, like thirty times in a row, and drop it at her feet so she could throw it again and again fur me, but now I ish 7, a coupla times beeds fine. What ish yer favorite game to play wif yer pawrents or furblings and what ish yer favorite toy-toy?


  1. Sure thing Humphrey, us doggies feel comfy with yu. We'd luv to chase yu! Jus' kiddin,
    I gotta confess, Me and Tux do chase the outside kitties sumtimes, but they mus' no we is jus' playin, they keep comin back fur more. We are all buddies 'round here.
    Is that a lil tennis ball that yu played with?

    1. Oh good - heehee, no I dun finks I'd like to be chased because I already ish efurry day arounds here by my Russian Blue brofur Roger - I dun likes runnin' unless it ish after a toy ball or to get some cat treats. Roger used to chase Greta all dah time too, and she wash like about 30 times bigger than he wash, but dat neFUR stopped him. Oh dat ish a little sponge rubber cat toy ball - dey ish furry nice fur carryin' in yer mouth because yew can gets yer toofies into 'em real easily. Sometimes I plays soccer with dem too!

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  3. My kitty BFF Maurice plays fetch with his toys too. I hasn't tried it yet.

    1. Dat were Travis talking - he might like fetch, he are a crazy lil guy. Maurice plays fetch a lot, maybe it are some black and white kitty thing?

      I luvs fetch and has a million jillion toys to play it with.

    2. I knows all doggies loves it, but I dun knows too many kittie who does - nopawdy eFUR trained me to do it, I just does it MOL! Dat ish sho kewl about Maurice, and yeppers it mights beed a black and white kitty thing, I dun knows? Tell yer Mom to see if Travis beeds gettin' into it, dat would be pawshome. My foster Mom told my Meowmy when she deliFURed me here to my Furever Home dat I wash more like a little dog den a cat, and it'sh true.

    3. No one evfur taught Maurice, either, he just likes to fetch...

      I luvs to fetch, it are my favorite game of all....

    4. It would be fun to visit yew guys and all play fetch together, yeppers! It might get confusin', but it would be furry entertainin', MOL!

  4. dood!, we like ta play soccer. but frank lee by R selves. if de food serviss gurl joinz in.....we quit !

    1. I plays soccer by myshelf, but dah throwin' dah ball and bringin' it back thing I needs shome help fur, MOL! Yew tabbies ish furry independent-likes!

  5. I sometimes bat my ball back and forth with Big B....But my favorite is my laser light or my stringie....

    1. Ooooh dat ish furry kewl - I hads no idea yew and the big B wash playin' together now. Dat ish sho shweet! I loves dah red dot thingy too - why can't we eFUR catch it, I dun unnerstands?!
      I ish gonna keep tryin' though, and yew do too, and den we can comPURR notes - I been tryin' now fur 6 years MOL!

  6. Awwww, TL is envious. With us she has to trwo the ball, we run after it and when we caught it, she has to go there and pick it up and throw again. We do not play fetch. I think we are exercising TL.

    1. That ish PURRdy normal Missy - and yew knows, dah hoomans needs some exercising on a regular basis, so yew ish just helping TL wif that, MOL! I dun fetch all dah time now, it'sh kind of an off and on thing, dat way it keeps Meowmy a bit confushed and it'sh more fun dat way, heehee!

  7. Hey Humphrey. Our brofur Rumpy does what he calls "Catch Prey and Show to Pawrents" as he says Fetch is a dog thingie.
    I really love my Kliban Kitty and... Hmmmm... Where is my Kliban Kitty?? DAD, DAD! *Timmy runs off looking for Dad and K Kitty*

    1. I dun knows though if fetch trooly ish a doggy thing, because I does it and so does Maurice, our online kitty furriend but yesh, it might have something to do with catching prey, yew ish sho right! I had neFUR thought of that. OMC dun let yer Dad do dat horrible thing hoomans does wif yer toys dat dey calls "de-cluttering" - I ish going to blog about dat soon. Keep yer eyes on ALL yer toys if yew hears yer hoomans talkin' about dat, because trust me, lotsa yer most beloved things ish gonna be gone afterwards - de-clutterin' ish EVIL!

  8. Whew... Found it.. Love my K Kitty. Anymeow, I hate those highly skeery bags too fur EXACTLY the same reason! You get in one and then it Grabs you! I would have been eaten if Dad hadn't saved me by cutting its arm off me!

    1. Oh thank catness, yer Kliban Kitty was shtill there - it'sh sho traumatizing when dah pawrents gets rid of our most beloved toys! Dey ish usually furry sneaky about it too, so keep dat K kitty in a nice, safe hiding place, just in case! I hates dose evil bag monsters! Dey attacks and tries to smother ush, out of dah bloo - it'sh terrifying! I dun unnerstands kitties who finks dey can trust bags - BAGS ISH EVIL!! Like somethin' outta an old horror moovie - attack of dah bags - so skeery!!

  9. Spunky and I love to play tag! and then chase each other.
    I hit Spunky on the head and tag , she is it!

    1. Dat sounds like lotsa fun - my brofur plays kind of rough though, so he skeers me when we play tag MOL! I likes playing fetch wif Meowmy better, because she ishn't skeery like Roger ish!
