Friday, February 21, 2014

Why "De-Clutterin'" Ish An Evil, Evil Word! Warning! Beware!

Here I ish, playin' wif one of my favorite toys - it hads catnip innit, wash hand- made and had dose wonderpurr feathers on it dat I loves so much.  Den one day?  Vanished!  I heard somethin' about "de-clutterin'" and haven't seen it since in a long, long time.........
Dis wash my mostest favorite toy, Lamby-kins - we had a deep, deep furiendship, and den one day, dah "de-clutterin'" evilness happened.
Here I ish with another one of my favorite toys, my fleecie mouse toy, long gone now and if yew notices, I ish also sittin' on my beloved lamby-kins, who I always, always slept wif and den one day?  He wash gone!  I shtill dun knows what happened to him and hash neFUR gotten a PURRoPURR explanation about it....

Dun let'sh yer pawrents do thish to yew - it makes me feel like thish! Yesh, I gots lots and lots of other toys, and yesh okay, I does tend to destroy dem oFUR time, but pawrents should asks our PURRmission beFUR dey recycles dem or puts dem in dah washing machine and den dey falls aPURRt.  I finks dat ish what happened to Lamby-kins, and Meowmy just doesn't want to tell me - he weren't washable but she should have asked him furst.  Hide yer toys if yew efur hears yer pawents mention "de-clutterin'" - I dun knows what it means exactly, I just knows it'sh EVIL!


  1. Oh, dat is awful whut happened to your toys... mine winds up in da toy hospital fur re-stitchin' sumtimes... they sure takes a long time to recooperate!

    1. It'sh furry furry dePURRessing, and I notice dat not furry many of Meowmy's fings gets discarded during "de-clutterin'", yew knows?! Fank heavens yer Mom rePURRs yers - maybe I could be re-homed at yer house........

  2. OMC, dat stuff dose sound turrible - luckily my momma are very very cluttery!


    1. Yew does not efur want to be re-homed here, trust me ! Our Meowmy ish PURRdy cluttery too, but we lives in a kind of shmall but snuggly aPURRtment, and we doesn't have dat much room fur things. I finks we could do wif lots and lots less of all dose shoes she collects, and dun even gets me started on all dah Disney figurines in here, but no nopers, all dat stays. Eeeesh!

  3. ALIENS! Yur purrcious toys are gettin stoled by aliens!

    So sad when our favfurite toys go 'way. Mine go to surgery sumtimes too. But sumtimes they jus' go 'way. So sad.

    Hey, I jus' figgured out sumfin. Yu is a black and white tuxedo kitty. Yu kinda talk like that Sylvester cat on the cartoonies. But yu already know that. :-)

    1. OMC, aliens! I neFUR thoughta dat! Dat's PURRdy skeery, but it'sh a lot better dan finkin' dat Meowmy ish doin' it. I ish sho sorry to hear yew gots dose same aliens at yer house - I'll bet if yew barked at dem, dey would leave yer toys alone.

      Zoe, yew ish dah furry furst furriend I hash eFUR hads dat figured dat out about dah way I talks! Nopawdy else eFUR hash and I hash been on dah internets fur 7 years - yew ish a furry, furry shmart doggy! Another one of my kitty role models ish Mooch in dah wonderpurr comic strip "Mutts" - he ish also a tuxedo kitty and he lisps too, so naturally I does it also -it'sh dah tuxedo kitty way MOL!

  4. Crikey Humphrey ... I think your Meowmy would have to be VERY brave to take anything away from you. That look on your face in that second and third photo ... OMD ... it's like you are almost daring someone to take something .. and THEN ... heaven help them. You blokes can be awful scary sometimes. I reckon Zoe's right. It MUST be aliens. Zoe's such a clever, Sheila. She always has all the answers. Sorry about your favourite things. I sure wouldn't be taking anything away from you ...

    1. MOL, Charlie - I likes to call dat exPUURession my mad scientist face! It might skeer Meowmy, but aPURRently it doesn't work wif aliens - who knew?! I hope dere is no aliens in Oz, or if dere are, dat dey leaves yer PURRecsious toys alone - dey ish so cruel and heartless. I wonder what planet dey beed comin' here from, so we can let the government know and PURRtect ush?!

  5. Meow-Oh-My Humphrey this is some EVIL plot to get all of our toys away from us. I know my Kliban Kitty is MISSING!! If he is gone Dad better watch next time he puts on his shoe! Yep, gotta hairball just waiting! Yep

    1. Oh noooooooos Timmy - I thought fur sure yew hads found it! Now dere ish a new plot twist wif our missin' toys - my doggy furriend Zoe finks it might beeds aliens from another planet!! Ishn't dat terrifyin'? We gots to hide all our toys where dey can't finds dem - keep an eye out fur dem, but even if it ish dem it shtill might be a good idea to leave a special PURResent fur yer Dad, just he knows who ish really dah boss at yer house......

  6. We have the same experience, so we hide all our toys under the bed or behind the sofa or behind cabinets.

    1. OMC, dere ish aliens in Hungary too - dey ish takin' oFUR dah world, and our toys! Dat ish furry, furry shmart of yew - behind and under the big cold white box dat holds food ish a furry good place too - we need to alien-proof our toys!

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